Mitzi Campbell
A Personal Reflection
Recently, I visited a family friend who is suffering from a debilitating neurological illness. Her body is slowly and steadily failing. She needs help to eat, dress, wash and take care of all her personal needs. Even talking is an enormous effort. But her mind is intact. She is absolutely miserable and has even asked her loved ones to help her end her suffering.
She has a team for her physical needs, but no one addresses her mind. I wonder if she had started mindset work early on with a qualified coach or therapist, would she be a tiny bit happier? Would she be able to heal even by a small amount? Would she be able to experience joy, even fleeting? Could she regain some of her functions?
There is plenty of evidence to show this is possible. Books like "The Body Keeps the Score," "When the Body Says No," "Anatomy of the Spirit" and many others, show us that healing takes place from the inside out and that illness takes hold in the same way. Your belief is powerful. Our minds are capable of more than we understand.
Working on a positive, growth and health oriented mindset cannot hurt. It can only help and miracles happen when you believe they do. The mind is our most powerful tool.